Dr Fintan Brian John Sheerin

Dr Fintan Brian John Sheerin
Fintan Brian John
MA hons Cantab Physiology MB, Bchir hons Cantab MRCP UK FRCR, Neuroradiologist

Languages spoken


Expert in

Brain and spine cancer, head & neck cancer



Peters Way, Sandy Lane West, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX4 6LB, England, UK
51.7239071200697, -1.2145938932540707

Dr Fintan Sheerin is a scholar of St Catharine’s College in Cambridge University where he qualified in 1999. He subsequently trained in General Medicine and then in Clinical Radiology in Oxford.

In 2008 Dr Sheerin undertook the Fellowship in Neuroradiology at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. In 2010 he was appointed as a Consultant Neuroradiologist in Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. As a diagnostic Neuroradiologist he specialises in the interpretation and reporting of MRI, CT and US scans of the Brain, Spine, Skull Base and Head & Neck in both adults and children.

He has particular interests in craniofacial, head and neck oncology, stroke and skull base imaging. He also performs US and CT guided biopsies and injections of the Head & Neck and Spine. His special clinical interest lies in diagnostic imaging of conditions of the central nervous system, spine, head and neck region. 

Career positions

Current position(s)
  • Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Oxford Cancer Centre, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


  • Cambridge University
  •  General Medicine and then in Clinical Radiology in Oxford


  • Neuroradiology at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford

Expertise and interests

  • Brain and spine cancer
  • Head & neck cancer
  • Brain tumour
  • Brain metastases
  • Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) 
  • Diagnostic imaging of conditions of the central nervous system, spine, head and neck region
  • Inflammatory, Infectious, Degenerative, Traumatic and Vascular conditions of the Central Nervous System and Spine
  • Craniofacial imaging, Skull base, ENT and Maxillofacial imaging.
  • Neuroimaging to clinical applications relevant to the imaging of stroke
  • Novel MRI sequences extracting metabolic information in acute ischaemia
  • Potential developments in CT and MR imaging



Awards received

  • Lady Cocket Scholarship c1635
  • British Society of Neuroradiology: Burrows Prize

Professional memberships

  • Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists
  • Member of the Royal College of Physicians